We’ve made several improvements to the system this week:


  • For the Attendance module, you can now add comments for students who have been marked as Present.
  • An Other Name field is now available within all students’ profiles. All students now have a required “First Name” and “Last Name” field, and an optional “Preferred Name” and “Other Name.” The system displays the student as First Name (Preferred Name) Last Name | Other Name

e.g. Chloe (Clara) Epelbaum | Chinese Name

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  • Administrators are now able to Bulk Archive Groups. This is available in the Groups tab on the right navigation menu.

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Diploma Programme:

  • Rich Text Formatting (RTF) is now available for all sections of the DP unit planner. This includes bolding, italicizing, numbering, and adding bullets for text.

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Middle Years Programme:

  • Approaches to Learning (AtLs) can now be analyzed in MYP curriculum analytics. This is available when Next Chapter unit plans have been enabled via Settings > General. The analytics can be accessed via Dashboard > Curriculum > Middle Years > Analytics.
  • Rich Text Formatting (RTF) is now available for all sections of the MYP unit planner. This includes bolding, italicizing, numbering, and adding bullets for text.

Planned Developments:

  • In preparation for MYP Next Chapter, the Community & Service (C&S) tab will be updated to Service & Action. This is planned for the first week of July 2014. This will update the Learning Outcomes for the 2014-2015 academic year. Previous year groups and archived groups will retain the current eight Learning Outcomes.