The PYP Gradebook now offers a separate Specialist gradebook for assessed subjects.

This allows:

  • Specialist and homeroom teachers to edit the gradebook simultaneously, since each gradebook is now its own separate page.
  • All students for a subject listed on one page.
  • A cleaner navigation for specialist teachers, so it takes two clicks to assess a student, instead of four clicks.

The Assessed Subjects are no longer at the bottom of the gradebook. They are accessed on the righthand side of the Gradebook.

First select a subject. Next, select a student to assess, and the criteria dropdowns will automatically appear.

Please note that all changes save automatically. The red (x) marks indicate students that have not been assessed, and the green (√) means the student has been assessed.

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Extra tip: If your specialist teachers are struggling with the new navigation, it is easiest to give them a direct URL link to their subject gradebook.
