On April 23, we had the pleasure of welcoming over 40 participants from 14 schools to Beijing City International School (BCIS).

The evening began with a flavourful buffet and socializing among the participants, followed by a company update presentation from Asia-Pacific’s Regional Director, RVenus Lai. We also announced our exciting partnership with iSAMS. Find out more here.

Next, Secondary School Principal Shawn Hutchinson welcomed us to BCIS and introduced Grade 12 Advisor Kevin Bradley who shared their journey implementing ManageBac at the school. They have been using the system since September 2012 to manage their Diploma and Middle Years programmes, produce term report cards, and record attendance. And earlier this year, they most recently adopted OpenApply to manage their Admissions process online.

Kevin clarified how crucial it was to have policies in place and clear expectations. Although there were bumps along the way, these related more so to the contextual complexities of the IB curriculum. ManageBac is now a key and reliable communication tool for teachers, students and parents.

Lance King, founder of the Art of Learning, closed the evening encouraging the development of an ATL skills program at their schools. He highlighted the importance of inquiry-based learning, as opposed to score-focused assessment systems schools are used to. “What if every exam was open book?” Lance asked.

For more resources on ATL from Lance, please click here.

It was a delightful evening full of conversation and a great opportunity to meet the fast-growing IB community in Beijing.

Here are some photos from the social:

Interested in registering for one of our socials? Click below.
ManageBac Socials
OpenApply Socials
