We’ve made several improvements to the system that were previously unannounced:

Applicant Profile:

  •  Parents can now post messages to administrators through their own OpenApply account.


  • Messages posted by parents will now appear in both the Latest Activity feed, as well as the applicant’s profile.

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  • The Application Checklist and Files are now shown together; the Checklist/Files toggle has been removed.

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  • For students who are Enrolled, the profile sidebar now contains an Add button for Re-Enrollment. Staff can use this option to create re-enrollment entities for prior academic years.

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  •  For applicants paying by Credit Card, there is now an option for schools to decide whether they will reject applications, re-enrollments and other submissions for parents whose credit cards have been declined, or issue an invoice and ask them to pay later. The default option is to send an invoice and allow parents to pay later.

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