
Amazon Web Services completed a full migration of files to AWS S3 file storage. This will provide faster file upload and download speeds and enhance file storage redundancy.


  • Bulk Export of ToK PPD and PPF provide a way to download PDFs in bulk for an entire year group.
  • Group 4 > PSOW we have updated the new IA form for May 2016.

Middle Years & Primary Years:

  • Three New MYP subjects including Political Science, Civics and Government.
  • Enhanced PYP Term Grades Exports to include all unit evaluation criteria.


Analytics > Enrollment Summary provides a point in time analysis of enrollment. We are very grateful to the Admissions Directors at KIS International School, International School Basel, Jakarta Intercultural School, and many others for providing their guidance and feedback, which allowed us to build this feature and enhance the enrollment analytics.

For the current academic year: administrators will be able to view enrollment counts by day from the first day of the academic year to present day.

Confirmed / Pending / Declined to Re-enrol: provides the breakdown of re-enrolled students.

Enrolled: provides the newly applied and enrolled students for the current academic year.

Total Confirmed: equals the sum of confirmed & pending re-enrollment and enrolled status.

Capacity: as provided by the school from Settings > Admissions.

Available Seats: equals Capacity less Total Confirmed.

For the upcoming academic year: administrators will be able to view the latest projected enrollment counts based on current forecast re-enrollment. This view also includes wait-list counts to supplement expected re-enrollment.

Tour Hosts you can now link specific tour times on a given day (e.g. 10 am to 12 pm on Wednesday) to specific hosts.

Analytics > Checklist Completion you can now click the horizontal bar charts to view a filtered list of students based on their status for a checklist requirement (e.g. all students who have not yet submitted school reports).

Subscribe the iCal enhancement to the button styling on the Dashboard.


Transcript Imports are now available allowing you to import historical transcripts via Excel CSV format. The new imports encompass the curriculum programme, the subject, class name, year or grade level, class ID, credit award, teacher e-mail, student ID, final grade, academic year & term and comments. The new Transcript imports provide data validation to ensure that imported records are consistent with your Transcript settings and for your convenience, we have provided an “Undo” function to allow you to easily revert an erroneous import within 72 hours.

Export WYSIWYG provides a simpler export function, so as you re-arrange the column orders, your Excel export will automatically mirror the view on screen.

Export as ZIP will now provide an automated email of the ZIP export when exporting Reports in bulk.
