FariaOne Events 2024 · China

The Power of Connection: Learn, Inspire, Grow

4. Board Relationship Management
Free Admission!

Product Workshop

  • Who Should Join: Teachers, coordinators, administrators, marketing and admissions, IT, ECA coordinators who are using ManageBac, OpenApply or SchoolsBuddy
  • Why Attend: Connect with peers, learn strong and actionable strategies

After the workshop, all participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

performance assesment
Free Admission!

Focus Group

  • Who Should Join: System users with more than 2 years of experience using ManageBac, OpenApply or SchoolsBuddy
  • Why Attend: Gain exclusive access to the group of advancer users, get product updates, submit product development requests directly to the product managers.

Ready to Network with Educators?


OpenApply Focus Group Workshop · Beijing

Discover the latest OpenApply features, explore the future roadmap, and learn from leading schools’ best practices. Share your feedback to help shape the product’s future.

Click here to join the OpenApply Focus Group

Beijing2 1
Suzhou 2 1

FariaOne Workshop · Suzhou

Empower yourself to continually implement ManageBac, OpenApply, SchoolsBuddy with best practices and strategies. Network with other schools to share experiences and gain actionable insights.

Click here to submit your proposal

ManageBac Focus Group Workshop · Shanghai

Discover to the latest feature releases and future development roadmap for ManageBac, learn from the best practices of leading schools, and provide product development feedback to the product managers.

Click here to join the ManageBac Focus Group

Shanghai 1